“You deserve to live your life however you want it to be, as long as it makes you happy.”
We live in a harsh world, don’t make it worse by letting your life get changed in a way that doesn’t make you happy.
“Don’t do that, do this”, they’ll say. Everyone can tell you how you should live. But, it is up to you whether you want your life dictated or led by only you.
Do whatever you love, discover new things, and be curious about whatever you want. You are not a puppet, a pet, or something people can own or control.
You own your life and you ought to live it, not have it controlled by others. Just because others are ahead of you doesn’t mean you let them dictate what you have to do, being behind doesn’t mean you won’t rise. You will, eventually, on your own perfect time.
Because at the end of the day, it is you who will wipe your own tears, it is you who will stand up for yourself, it is you who will encounter obstacles you will overcome. Lastly, it is you who will live your life. Not them.
I hope that you are going to realize that if you bestow the power to control your life to others, you are never going to be happy. Never depend your happiness on others, learn to love and make yourself happy. That’s where you realize how worth it you are.
Be you on your own.