I Was Too Busy Taking Care of Others That I Forgot Myself

1 min read2 days ago



Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder — will there come a time when someone will take care of me, just like how I care for others?

I’ve come to realize that I forgot about myself, my needs, and my well-being. As I prioritized other people’s needs first, I neglected my own.

I have found myself crumbling, desperate for help from those I’ve cared for first — but it was wrong of me to expect that they would help me back.

My cries are unheard, leaving me to be on my own, to wipe my own tears, and heal whatever hurts inside me, all while helping those who ask for help.

What an irony it is, for me to help over and over again, only to end up forgotten when it’s the time I need help.

In the end, I am left standing alone — desperately trying to remain still despite the weakness I feel. I long to be helped, as I’m human too, but am I meant to always prioritize others and never be prioritized in this life?



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